Digital Marketing Blog

How to decide what mobile marketing solution is best for your business

I'm not even going to pretend that I could have provided you with the below level of detail when it comes to selecting the right mobile marketing solution for your business - but I can direct you to the superior knowledge of Rob Borley and Paul Boag who explain, in very simple terms, the considerations that must be evaluated when you're deciding what your first or next steps are in the world of mobile marketing and mobile web development.

Like every other digital marketing channel, mobile has its strengths and weaknesses. 45% of people interact with online content on their...

Social Media and Social Networking Jobs

Social Fish have tried to summarise the type of jobs that exist now in the social media marketing field. At a glance, they cover the broad spectrum of what may or may not be needed within an organisation but I'm not sure I agree with all of them - especially needing a dedicated Product Developer to implement social media integration on your website.

However, for a marketing channel that has come up from very niche to super mainstream in the last 2-3 years, it is a helpful infographic for those looking for jobs in the...

Multi-variant and AB Sample Testing for Websites and Online Marketing

Today we’re going to talk about testing. One of the things I love most about working in internet marketing is that you can track every click, follow every visitor through your website and monitor your return on investment very accurately. Testing allows us to take these statistics and turn them into real learning’s that can improve not only our website, for the user, but also to make them more efficient and profitable.

If you have a website that asks your customers/ users to DO something, then you need to be mindful of your user's online experience. A user’s customer experience...

Email Spam Compliance – Boring but Necessary

I know this is considered to be a dry and boring subject, so I'll try to keep it short, but email opt in and spam compliance for email marketing is absolutely mandatory - legally, ethically and responsibly.

I come across this problem a lot in my professional career as an internet and email marketer. Companies are well aware of SPAM, how could they not be, every person who owns a computer (and uses it) has been touched by spam, but they don't seem to consider themselves spammers. However, I have come across large, high profile organisations (who will remain nameless)...

Email subject lines, Facebook B2B, Blogging builds leads

As always, I've read a dozen great articles this week but here are a few good reads that are relevant to many businesses and are practical enough to actually implement.

Email marketing - A/B split testing for subject lines

For those of you who have been engaging with customers and audiences through email for some time now, this article about subject line testing in email will be useful and interesting. If you're reasonably new to email marketing and haven't yet learnt the key metrics used to measure and quantify whether...

What I’m reading – social media tips and tricks

Short one today, just wanted to share some of the brilliant information I have found online regarding social media tools and ways to build your community online.

The Business2Community blog is keeping us informed with ways to measure your influence online. Don't be fooled into thinking that sheer numbers reflects your true power, the age old testament of quality over quantity has never been more true than in the social media space.

Tools to measure your influence online:

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