Digital Marketing Blog

Givers Gain is my Philosophy

life-one-timeTo bring Social Change

For those reading this blog for the first time, I'm Shanelle Newton Clapham, and I built my business on the philosophy of "giver's gain".
I believe that we should give without expectation of return. So I try to be generous with my knowledge and my time. If asked for advice or an opinion, I give a full and honest response. I try to give away the best of me - my time, my love, my information for free. Because I believe that people who give ultimately gain in the...

What you say & how people search

This article was first published in F&P Magazine

I absolutely believe with every being of my soul that you, me, we, every brand and organisation needs to tell a great story if we are going to have true engagement with our supporters and donors. It is also true that our content can and should educate and inspire and enrage and urge people into action.

We live in a world where any intellectual dispute ends with the challenge, “Google it!” It is at this point that your content strategy needs to take on a scientific angle and invest in Search Engine...

Making A Digital Connection

Looking for love?

I have a good friend who desperately wants to find love. The problem? She hasn’t made a connection with, well, anyone, really. Website Donation Page ResearchEvery time we meet, she laments, “Where do you meet people. Where are all the prospects?”

Much like my friend trying to make a love connection in the real world, making a love connection with prospects online can be tricky terrain for charities. And much like my friend, the question of where or how you exactly meet these prospects, is quite a pertinent...

Digital lead gen for Regular Giving Acquisition

There seems to be a divide between fundraisers...

... they seem to fall into 3 camps:Lead-generation

  1. Those of us who think digital will play a large role in the future of fundraising and we must get in before we're left behind. The buzz word for this group is "brave new world"
  2. Then there are those who are hunting for acquisition and growth and are looking for the next big thing - the buzz word for this group is "diversification"
  3. And then we have the vanguard, who are prepared to try anything once....

SMS Donations

Don’t forget about mobile

Mobile donating is a way for supporters to donate to an organisation through a mobile device. At present, the most popular means for mobile donating, in terms of volume, comes in through SMS.



Inbound SMS – which is usually achieved using print or outdoor advertising for your call to action - is a great way to get extra donations for causes and events. (more…)

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