Digital Marketing Blog

Best Christmas Appeals 2016

It’s A Wrap! Christmas is over, so who made us give?

wrapsWith 2017 into full swing, I wanted to take some time to look at some of the Christmas Appeals of 2016 before I gallop full steam ahead into all the amazing projects about to kick-off this year.

My inbox has been a flurry of activity over the festive season from charities across Australia and New Zealand all gallantly vying for a piece of my pie.

Although there were hundreds (yes literally) I’ve...

What is Dynamic Pricing?

Ready, set, go.

Have you ever been to an ecommerce site, like an airline or hotel finder, checked the prices and when you returned to make your booking found that the prices had gone up? Or, have you found that you’ve gone to book a rail or air ticket a few days before departure to find that prices are through the roof? Chances are you’ve probably experienced dynamic pricing.




Acquisition of new regular donors online

You need a values match for long term support

I've built my business on the proposition that organisations should promote their values through stories that demonstrate their work and what they stand for. By doing this we match the organisation's values to people who are inspired by it and whose values are in line. And I stand by this strategy for building a membership of donors who really care about your cause and will maintain their support over time.



People convert people into monthly donors

HOWEVER, when...

Testing ideas for your next Email Appeal

I love trying new things.

When I started parachute digital it was with this mantra in mind - I don't want to do the status quo, I want to break new ground and try new things.

And I have. But like all things that are new and then successful, they are replicated and optimised and they cease to be new and ground breaking anymore. For some of our clients, the way we designed their eAppeals started as innovative and new but now that I've done a dozen appeals this way and I've tested the easiest variables and pushed...

Pokemon Go – more searches than Brexit

Pokemon Go bigger than Brexit

Ok, let’s face it. Pokemon Go has made its way to be in everyone’s conversation at some point in the last couple of months, but it is not just the fact that people are talking about it, millions of people are playing it and loving it. I’ve been on the reluctant side of joining in, thinking it’s just another silly game making people waste away their lives by spending more time in front of a screen.

Pokemon Opera House

One night...

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