Digital Marketing Blog

Invest in a long-term content marketing strategy. Let me tell you why

Your website content is not a channel you can set and forget. Your website should be a living, breathing thing. It should be dynamic and fully integrated into all areas of your business. Content Marketing can be as complex as creating information tailored to every audience, in every learning style, catering to every personality, or if can be as simple as updating your website with new answers every time you get a new question come through via phone. Your website content should grow and evolve as your business does.


What is "content" in a digital context?

Digital "content" can be text,...

When Blogging, be personal and connect with your audience

I've spent most of the last 3 months of my career building my digital marketing consulting business in Sydney, and I'm loving it!

So as to cement myself as a sought after Digital Marketing Consultant and strategist in Sydney, I've been:

  • creating packages for website strategy and email marketing and social media marketing etc (because people want to know what we do even though they don't want to buy a package, they think they do)
  • developing case studies and success stories to...

I’m Inspired by how different cultures engage online

I'm inspired. I woke up at 6.30am on a Saturday morning and I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and I started researching an idea. I'd been talking about website user experience with a colleague of mine, Carla, who is from Peru and is planning a website for Latin entrepreneurs in Australia and I was telling her about how people in Japan prefer a different, more busy look and feel to their websites than we do in the western world (Carla is an engineer).


We were talking about language translations and design layout for websites and...

Shock Horror! Tweets reflect TV Ratings

I don't think anyone will be surprised to learn that a new study by Nielsen Online and SocialGuide has confirmed that popular TV shows get more chatter on twitter. It's called Social TV and I blogged about this back in July 2011. Apparently twitter activity is now one of the top 3 variables that indicate how many people like watching a particular TV show. The other two variables that influence TV ratings are last year's...

Things to think about when creating your Digital Marketing Strategy

When I mapped out this article on Digital Marketing Strategy I looked for many images to find a visual representation for what I wanted to say - and I found a lot of very typical digital process flows and even more digital channel diagrams (like the one below) masquerading as digital marketing strategies.

Creating a digital marketing strategy is more than just formulating a communications plan that covers as many digital channels as possible. Of course we want to be able to distribute our product,...

How website design has changed with the rise of Tablets & Smartphones

It's no secret that the design and layout of websites has had to evolve with the rise of tablet and smartphone digital devices that are now connected to the internet. We're already seeing incredible statistics of smartphone and tablet penetration in Australia, 68% of Australians have a smartphone and currently 19% of households own a tablet (which seems low to me) and the prolific usage of mobile internet access means that digital marketers and designers now need to consider the mobile user experience...

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