As you probably and unavoidably saw, Donald Trump was indicted for a fourth time last week. Earlier this month he pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States. A day after he was indicted for the third time, his team sent an email to supporters with the familiar ‘witch hunt’ messaging and an ask for donations.

I know Trump doesn’t deserve any more coverage, and I know he’s totally full of it. But it’s also unavoidable and so in this crazy world of 2023, let’s use this as a chance to inspect the GOOD and the BAD of US political fundraising. We might as well poke some fun at the guy while also putting our fundraising caps on.

Here are 5 excerpts from Trump’s August 3rd email and how they DO and DO NOT adhere to best practice fundraising.

1. Use stats, but make them relatable

“With Crooked Joe’s corrupt DOJ having unlawfully INDICTED yours truly yet again, reports indicate that I could now face a combined 561 YEARS in prison from the Left’s witch hunts. 6 LIFETIMES…


When you’re deep in the weeds of your charity’s cause, and you know it inside out, the numbers can seem incredibly compelling. But we know in general, big numbers are difficult to put into perspective and can easily wash over people.

That’s why you must give them context.

Trump’s email does that well – “561 years in prison” definitely sounds like a long time, but even more compelling is the idea of spending “6 LIFETIMES” behind bars.


As we all know, the biggest issue with all things Trump is that he lives in a fantasy world. Despite the technical possibility of spending 561 years in prison, it’s unlikely he’ll be sentenced to anything close to that. Also, beyond his own rhetoric, there’s no PROOF that Joe Biden or the US DOJ are corrupt.

Stats need to be true. D’uh!

2. Build a clear, strong proposition

…the fear that if you vote for the ONLY candidate who puts you FIRST, you too could be harassed, indicted, and even ARRESTED by the current Marxist regime in Washington…

Show that our movement will NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Left’s tyranny even as Crooked Joe and his Deep State thugs try to JAIL me for 561 YEARS.


At face value, Trump’s team puts forward a compelling proposition:

The Left is coming after you by indicting Donald Trump (PROBLEM). Out of the goodness of his heart, Trump is standing in their way and sacrificing himself so you can be saved (SOLUTION)*. If you’re a patriot, show your support and stand in the way of the tyrannical Left (ASK).

The whole email is jam packed with emotive language to back up the claim. It is energetic and builds a narrative, showing NEED and THREAT before bringing the reader on side as a compatriot and finally making a carefully crafted ask.

*The narrative and language is no doubt deliberately biblical.


It’s easy to build a strong proposition if you’re happy to make shit up. As above, herein lieth the biggest difference between you, dear reader, and Donald J Trump. You’re not downright dishonest in the claims you make or the facts you use to substantiate those claims.

Structurally, the email presents a well-built proposition, but it’s more difficult for those of us who insist on honesty, integrity and accountability.

3. Take the ‘we’ out of fundraising

Because these endless witch hunts and indictments aren’t really about me, they’re about YOU having a voice in your own country. I’m just standing in the Left’s way – and I always will.


When I was cutting my fundraising teeth, I was taught to remove the organisation from the message. It’s a personal connection between 2 people: you and me. Not ‘us’, not ‘we’. Removing reference to the larger organisation removes a level of abstraction and brings the reader closer to the cause. A personal request is less vague and less easily dismissed.

Trump does this with zeal.


What’s particularly interesting about this email, and political fundraising in general, is that the beneficiary is YOU the reader. YOUR livelihood and all you hold dear is under threat. Such a direct, personalised and tangible cause goes a long way to convincing the reader that the cause is an important one. It’s not something many charities can lean on.


As much as this email is about ‘You’, it’s just as much about ‘Them’. Political fundraising campaigns have the benefit of a personified threat – their opponent. It doesn’t get any more tangible than that. Joe Biden is the ultimate threat as presented by Trump’s campaign, but that means all the comms are exceedingly personal in their attacks.

As a sector, our fundraising is not, and should never be, at the expense of any one person. Asking for support for a cause should not require demeaning other individuals.

4. Connect with your donor

However, if you’re struggling right now due to Crooked Joe’s policies and the sinister Swamp creatures in Washington, please just hit the back button and go about your day. In that case, I don’t want you to even think about donating!


It’s important to show compassion and empathy for your donor – recognise the broader climate and understand what else they might be experiencing. Donating to your charity is never the one and only focus for a donor. There are always competing priorities for time and money.

The current cost-of-living crisis is the most prominent example at the moment, and the Trump email calls that out. It’s legitimately heartfelt (although veering slightly into guilt-trip territory).


It’s not nice to call people names.

5. Suggest a donation amount in the body copy

But if you can contribute even just $1, God knows how much our country needs patriots like YOU at this pivotal moment in history…

Please make a contribution of any amount – truly, even just $1 – to show that our movement will NEVER SURRENDER our country to the Left’s tyranny even as Crooked Joe and his Deep State thugs try to JAIL me for 561 YEARS.


At the end of the email, Trump’s team makes the ask and then for anyone who needs additional encouragement, they make donating seem manageable by suggesting that even a very small amount will still have an impact.

The one job of your EDM is to get the click, to get people on to your donation page. Then the landing page copy, donation form and dollar handles do the work to convert with a higher amount. Trump’s average gift in Q2 2023 was $34.20.

It’s one of those things that’s unique to your cause and supporter list, but in general, including an ask amount in your EDM or ad copy can be really effective. Maybe don’t go as low $1, but start testing different amounts.


Did I mention how bad it is that Trump makes stuff up?

Dan Tunley is a Digital Consultant.

Keen to talk more about how you can employ best practice fundraising in your next appeal? Get in touch.